Monday, October 13, 2008

Best Blog of '08?

Hey 'BoomerNation, triblog master, Roman Mica, of Race Athlete and Everyman Tri is again calling for nominations for the annual Best Endurance Blog. To nominate your favorite blog, or blogs, send an email with the blog's name and web address to: Team (at) RaceAthlete (dot) com or click here for more information.

Nominations will be accepted until the end of October and voting will be conducted during the first two weeks of November.

What's in it for you? Well for starters all that submit a nomination receive a 20% discount on a pair of high stylin' Zeal Sunglesses.

And what blog might you nominate? Hmmmmm... not that I would ever suggest that you nominate this little one.... no, nah, not that I would everrrrrrrrrrr do that! There are mucho deserving blogs but if perhaps you're having a hard time picking one to start with, well.... well... well?? What are you waiting for?

My name is TriBoomer and I approve this message.

Stay tuned...

1 comment:

21stCenturyMom said...

That is truly the most insane moment ever in the history of triathlon.

Wendy Ingram used to live in my town and swim with my masters team. I'VE BEEN IN THE SAME WATER WITH HER! But not the same lane. Nope - not even close. Sadly her speed did not infuse the water and make me a better swimmer. Oh well.