Saturday, March 15, 2008

Making the Team: 2008

The following is my appeal for your vote to put me on Team EvoTri. Please type as the subject of your email.



It doesn’t seem like it’s been thee years since completing my first triathlon. It seems like it was only yesterday I barely finished the race before the race director’s “sweeper” truck. Since then I have completed many races around the country including two full Ironmans.

Along with the races come lots of finisher’s medals and photos and I’m happy to have earned each one. However, I proudly display only two racing items in my home: my Ironman Wisconsin finisher’s medal and…

… a framed thank you letter from the father of a little girl fighting cancer. You see, I ran my first race in her honor and every other race since has been in the honor or memory of others.
A vote to place me on Team EvoTri is a vote to help me reach my goal of raising $1 million to fight cancers. In the last three years I have raised a combined $90,000 for several cancer fighting charities such as the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society.

Cancer has caused suffering and death all around me to include my mother, father, a beloved uncle, two grandparents, and a Godchild. This scourge sits on our proverbial doorsteps and is knocking loudly. It’s my mission to stop it and not allow it to further enter mine … or your life.

I have had the great privilege blogging and appearing on numerous podcasts such as SimplyStu and enthusiastically speak of my mission and happily support others in the endurance sport world. And, it’s with utmost joy that I produce the “Right Here, Right Now” report for the “Get Your Geek On!” podcast. Recently was nominated as one of the top 10 Best Endurance Websites of 2007 has been a Featured Blog on the “Phedippidations” podcast.

It’s the connecting with the athletes and sharing a passion for the endurance sport lifestyle that gets me excited every day about giving of my time and resources. I believe very one of us can use our abilities in sport for good.

Now is the opportunity to vote me onto the team. I ask you to join me in a most noble purpose. If voted onto Team EvoTri I will embody the EvoTri mission statement and use my sponsorship as a platform to cross the ultimate finish line – a cure! I want to be the guy on the team that’s all about raising money for charity while promoting the endurance sport lifestyle for all.

What became of the child I mentioned at the beginning? She is one of the fortunate ones. She’s still with us. However, there are other children I have met with cancer that are no longer alive. Sadly, their lives were robbed from them barely before they began. Allow me to joint team EvoTri and race to defeat cancer.

Your vote is greatly appreciated.

Stay tuned…


Marci said...

Sending my vote in shortly for you! If anyone you deserve to be part of the team more than anyone! What you are doing is the greatest thing :)

Floater said...

I just submitted my vote, good luck...

Anonymous said...

TriBoomer, can you please contact me regarding the Dan Millman book you won?

Comm's said...

well said. your comment to your cause is a blessing to those who need your support.

TriGirl 40 said...

You got my vote! You are an inspiration to triathlon - and raising awareness.

Jamie said...

You just got my vote BoomBooms!

Mark said...
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Love your message ;-) You are doing some amazing things Boomer! Proud to have met you through this wonderful, life-changing sport.

Simeon of Kent said...

My vote sent in, keep up the good work sir.

Born To Endure said...

You just got my vote!!

Tribrit said...

You got my vote. You carried the name of a friend of mine on your 500 at IMWI and as a TNT alum you are my first choice.