Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Vote TriBoomer as Best Blog of 2008

Hey 'BoomerNation,

Today is election day and it's a big decision for us in good ol' US of A. But what candidate to you vote for?

Obama a bit too left wing for ya? Maybe McCain is too conservative? There's a lot to debate and fight over BUT...

BUT... there's one candidate you ALL can agree on. And that guy is TriBoomer and I need your vote.

Once again my blog has been selected as one of the Top 1o Endurance Blogs of the year. Voting to determine the Top 3 has just begun.

Please go to Roman Mica's blog at: http://tinyurl.com/4zcus9 and vote for this corner of blogland

Only one vote per computer. Soooo.... do you have multiple computers? A few at the office? A couple at home? In the kid's room too?  Well, well, well.... what are you waiting for? Fire them 'puters us and click away.

Stay tuned...


Born To Endure said...

I voted..and often if you know what I mean..wink wink..:)

ShirleyPerly said...

Done :-)

:) said...

You da man, boom!