Saturday, July 26, 2008

The Day Comes

Today was the day. It's been a long time coming... almost a year since the last time... and today I had to do it again.

The forecast was for temperatures over 100 F (38 c) and winds steady at 10 miles per hour with gusts to 20. Nevertheless, I had to do it as today was the day.

The roads cross open plains without windbreak. Trees were few and provided no shade. But, this couldn't stop today from coming.

Only a few joined me today. Today was the day of my first 100 mile ride of the season. 106 (170 km) to be exact.

Only a few joined me and that is fitting for it is only few that pursue Ironman.
That day too is coming.
Ironman Louisville 2008 awaits.

This is Ironman.

Stay tuned...


Anonymous said...

You know for a fact I'm stayin' tuned!

Mark said...

Nice my man! Great weather to prep for IM LOU!

TJ said...

Sounds like and Ironday for sure.
Good luck in Louisville!

Iron Eric said...

Ahhhh. The journey to Ironman. Train, train, train in almost any type of weather. I love the focus and prep work. How was the 106 mile ride? Did you have plenty of liquids, sunscreen, etc?

Eric said...

Insanely awesome Triboomer :-)

Eric said...

Insanely awesome Triboomer :-)

Kim said...

yay!!!!! good for you brian!

triguyjt said...


razor sharp..

good job!!

Ange said...

hope it went ok! that!